Part 1- What, where, how !


To establish any new botanic garden is a long term project which will mostly benefit our children and grandchildren rather than ourselves.

The Plant4Tawau project was established for multiple reasons;

  • To educate visitors on the best practices for restoring damaged forest back to to the original diversity of Borneo’s native forests.

  •  To provide wild food for the local wildlife at Tawau Hills especially hornbills, gibbons and langurs allowing visitors to  watch these animals at close quarters.

  • To provide a living gene bank of Borneo figs freely available to both Malaysian and overseas researchers into fig ecology, taxonomy and biodiversity.

  • To provide planting material for the much larger adjacent habitat enhancement project described here and other forest restoration projects in Borneo.

  • To carry out field experiments on how best to plant strangling figs on oil palms to enhance the edge of oil palm estates for wildlife habitat throughout Borneo.

  •  Our hope is that in 50 years time the Tawau Hills Fig Garden will provide a diverse wildlife rich forest garden which will attract students, researchers and tourists from around the world.

  • Finally we hope that this living example of what is possible will stimulate the creation of hundreds of similar projects throughout Borneo. We can provide free fig seeds  and growing advice to anyone interested in similar projects and forest restoration.


Part 2- How do we plant?

a) We grow from the seeds from the fruit

b) Through marcotting process

Collection of Ficus Subcordata fruit after seeing Hornbills eat them

Collection of Ficus Subcordata fruit after seeing Hornbills eat them

Part 3- SPecies-  The following are the species we are growing. 

Subcordata,villosa,benjamina,drupacea,microcarpa,cucurbitina,racemosa,callosa,punctata,lepricarpa,nota,rosulata,partietalis,cumingii,caolocarpa,variegata,kerkhovernii,callophylla,septica,franciscia, laran and so on. We plan to plant atleast a minimum of 25 species of ficus and atleats 10 of other fast growing and also hardwood trees.

The following are the species we are growing. More information on them can be obtained at

Further Important reading

Further Important reading :

Part 4- Are you a company or a school?


Part 5- Resources


CUCURBITINA, CULTIVATION, TAWAU: Tawau Hills Fig Garden: Planting the first figs 19 March 2021


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Plant a tree with us! 20RM/5.00 USD/5.00 EURO/5.00 Pound sterling to plant one tree and maintenance. The tree will be planted in our Plant4BorneoElephants project site in Tawau and Plant4Tawau Wildlife corridors! For contributions email us if you wish to do a bank transfer or PAYPAL account